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5:03 p.m. - Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2004
It's about time, don't you think?

It's about time, don't you think?

Andrew, I love you, I really do. Everytime I post a diary entry, I think about all that you do to make this all possible. However, sometimes unemployed poor folks, like myself, who can't pay for a membership, rely on a lil extra lovin'... especially when it's touch'n go as far as being able to enter a journal. I know, I know... we, the moochers, are draining you and dragging you down with us.

*Bats her eyes*

I apologize for whining and being greedy... but, coulda warn us before you take a system apart? (*Mua*) thanks babe, you're the bestest!

Now back to the irregularly regular schedule...

So, my friends that I went to college (I've mentioned this before) and I go out to dinner (or some form thereof) once a month (because SOME of them are too friggin cheap to go out more than once). This month (Friday, actually), we're going to dinner and a movie, or movie then dinner (with our luck- just dinner). No one has an idea what in the hell to do....or where to go.....except for me. I don't want to go to the "Gangland Central" movie theater and eat at some schlumpy shithole. I'd rather go to a different movie theater and eat at a 'real' place. However, because one of my group deems it necessary to go where 'he' wants, we all must follow.

I figure karma is biting him in the ass b/c he married his mother (or a woman who acts just as controlling) last year. I just saw Troy a few weekends ago with E and although I'm not that desperate, I'd go see it again (Brad Pitt's naked butt is a regular feature, fyi). However, the grumpy old farts in our group (where I'm the 2nd oldest and the least fartiest), have no idea what they want to see... they have this idealistic notion that whenever we finish eating, that a movie will mysteriously be ready to have a showing for us. But, as experience has taught me, they (the farty group) are always 1-2 hours late... and want to stay out the latest, which is funny because they're the ones who 'set' the time for our functions.

So, I'm not sure if I want to schlep myself around following a group of nomads to a destination that might not be ready for our kinda get togethers.

I'd rather do a movie with one or two of my friends, but R decided that 'hey, wouldn't this be great if we stuff 20 people in the theater after shoveling down food??'

*rolls her eyes*

What ever happened to the long gone days of ingesting huge amounts of food AND alcohol and then partaking in karaoke? Isn't anyone fun anymore?

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