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8:26 a.m. - Tuesday, Jul. 05, 2005
Sunshine smiling at me...
Ok, ok... so apparently I left out a few things in my 'list,' like... dirty fingernails... and greasy hair... dirty ears... celebs' clothing styles (or combination thereof)... trucker hats (man I hate those things)... Ya know, general nit-picky stuff that drives me crazy.

In light of all that's going on with everything... I am going to offer my sage advice... which I share with EVERYONE:

Not all blues match

I had this interesting idea for an entry last night before bed. However, whenever I talk about what I want to write just before I goto sleep, I don't remember it. AND, what makes matters worse, is that it was a really funny idea, too.

But, I probably could blame that on the group of shitheads who, for the past three or four days, have been setting off loud poppers and other types of fireworks until 3am. And, to you guys, I want to dedicate this next rant...

Why it's pertinent to punish the nighttime offenders by sticking an m-80 up their ass and lighting the fuse.

Ok, moving on...

I've been a bit edgy and a lot crabby lately. To you, my faithful 5 readers, I apologize. I have a lot on my mind...

Saturday morning
4am wakeup call
5am departure for the airport
Plane ride down (at 7:30am)
Florida, in general
Driving for 4 hours
Staying with my parents for a week
Heat and more heat
Driving for 4 hours BACK to the airport
Plane ride home at 10pm

There's a lot to think about... not to mention the shark situation.

Not to worry, to make sure my kids do not go in the ocean, one of the cable networks played JAWS all weekend long. My middle son watched it, wide-eyed, and quiet... for the ENTIRE movie.

I think he gets the message. I know I did when I first saw the movie.

I did read up on shark attacks on the keys... at the keys? by the keys... whatever.

They said they've had maybe one shark attack in 10 years. Some kid grabbed a nurse shark by the tail and it latched onto his chest... having to be surgically removed.

Ok, I have an issue with that. If the stupid ass GRABBED the shark by the tail... while it was mating... then he should be forced to WEAR it permanently... or at least until it releases itself. How can we teach people a lesson if we're constantly bailing them out of bad situations. If he had accidentally STEPPED on it's tail... ok, that's moderately forgiveable... however, the article said he GRABBED the tail. That's intentional. Therefore, he should've been made to wear the shark for a few days... IN the water... because why should the shark suffer because of some jackassed-kid?

Today, speaking of jackassed-kid... I have to take #3 to the peepee-squeezing doctor for his last post-op eval.


And, I'm bringing the OTHER two knuckleheads with me... which means, I'll probably hear arguing and fighting and bitching and moaning...


If God lets me survive this time in their lives, I will reward him by offering him my FIRSTBORN...

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