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10:17 a.m. - Thursday, May. 20, 2004
Ok, I'll bite...

Ok, I'll bite...

I went on the interview this morning and between being squished by kids in the hallway jamming into the small office and having my heart torn out and examined, I don't think they'll be calling me back for a second interview. You know when you are sitting there and get this gut feeling that they're just entertaining themselves by questioning you with umpteen things that a) are virtually impossible w/ my experience and b) make me uncomfortable.

Case in point:

How are your writing skills?

Fine, I'm an editor for a doctoral candidate, and my college professors have all given me A's (except this French Revolution cow, I got an A and a B+)

How are your oral skills?

Um, I'm talking to you right this moment, can't you tell?

What would you do if...

  • You have a belligerent kid(s) in class?
  • Took lithium and crack at the same time?
  • A disruption broke out? How would you handle it?
  • If a rabid squirrel ransacked your room, would you scream or beat it to death with the yardstick?
  • Or, when I asked them if they would like to view my portfolio, I get asked:

    Do you have a disposable copy?

    Oh, gee... left that in my other briefcase. (Had I known... and I will be making copies for the future.)

    I just feel worn down and sick of interviewing. Mebbe Walmart isn't such a bad idea after all...

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