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10:27 a.m. - Sunday, May. 23, 2004
One introduction you don't wanna have

One introduction you don't wanna have

...we went to my friend's birthday party last night and totted along baby-man because we were able to unload the other two off on unsuspecting victims.

We said our hellos then perused the food table. *They make the BESTEST stuff* E gets to eat first while I show the baby to everyone. Once he finished, I get my food. I had been salivating over the idea of rice n beans ALL freakin' day. They make the BEST rice n beans I've ever had. I goto the food table, get my stuff, and make my way back to where E and baby-man are.

5 ... whole ... minutes ... later ... in the process of cutting up and smooshing some kidney beans for the baby ... HE grabs my plate doing some HIE-YAAAAAAAAAAAAH move and flips it, sauces and all, onto our hosts' BEIGE CARPET.

Our anal host's carpet. The guy who won't let people eat in the room normally's BEIGE CARPET.

I think it was at this point that I wish I hadn't gotten out of bed...

in 1988...

However, what was done was done... I quickly sprinted to his wife (my friend) and we got some cleaning stuff and after her husband spent 15 minutes SCRUBBING the carpeting admist my constant apologies, the stain was gone.


But my shame didn't leave.

Yes, he was only a baby...

Yes, it was totally my fault for sitting within 3' of this octopus-baby-man...

Oh GOD trust me, I feel horrible...

Regardless, everyone kept saying......"HE'S GONNA WALK TOMORROW for his BIRFDAY!"

Um...Did you NOT see what he did today?!?

However, to commemorate my baby's 1st birthday, at 11:58PM, I am gonna wake him up and squeeze him. (Just so he can relive the birth thing.) Then, we'r gonna hold him upside down and slather him w/ gooze. Finally, someone's gonna squeal- "OH MY GAWD...THIS IS A HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE BABY!!"

Actually, we're going to my inlaws to celebrate bil's and nephew's I suffer through the videos this guy makes us watch of his dog eating its own poop, his son as a baby staring at the camera for 30 minutes, and my mil trying to not pass germs onto everyone.


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