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11:41 a.m. - Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004
Just leave it to the Aussie

Just leave it to the Aussie

...I received a link from a friend yesterday of a Weird Al song that not only is jam-packed with [lame] one-liners, but is to the tune of "Wanna be ur lover."

Girl, you smell like Fritos

That's why I'm giving you this hungry stare

You're so hot, you're gonna melt

The elastic in my underwear

I'll bet you're magically delicious

Like a bowl of Lucky Charms

You'd look like Venus de Milo

If I just cut off your arms

What I'm tryin' to say is...

I wanna be your lover, baby

I need somebody to love

You know I just wanna be your lover, baby

Now I need somebody to love

Last night was the 'monthly dinner' with my friends from college. Every month the group dwindles smaller and smaller until it ends up with just the girls hanging out for drinks and dinner, bitching about the shithead who blows everyone off.

The shithead is R... whom I spoke with the other day to reaffirm that he and his wife (and whomever else they dragged along) was coming (for reservations) and what time. He assured me that it would be "7:30pm [my] time" as opposed to "7:30pm [his] time."

My time= actual accurate time based on Prime Meridian and Big Ben transposed to read Eastern...

His time= 2 or more hours later with additional excuses blaming goats, chickens, traffic, rain and an overenthusiastic traffic cop.

The three of us get there (T was away for the weekend) and I have the hostessessess person set aside a table for 8 because we were under the assumption that shithead and his entourage would be all coming by 7:30pm.

Uhuh... If it happens ten times, shame on me, if it happens the 11th time, shame on me again... because *I* know better yet still allow shithead to arrive at HIS time.

We get our table, I call shithead to see where they are. He assures me they'll be there by 8. Ok, sure, we're stupid, let's order up some grub. So, we ordered appetizers... and took our time... finished them... called shithead again to see where they were (it's now 8:15p). Shithead tells me that he and his wife go to pick up 1/2 of the other couple b/c the husband had to work last minute.

She lives 1 hour from where we were.

But, he assures me they'll be there by 8:45p.

So, we order dinner... (mind you, HE suggested we all goto a movie and up until the night before, we had all planned on going TO a movie)... dinner is finished and I call back shithead to see where his adventures have taken him.

He is sitting in traffic at a toll because it's raining. (We had HORRIBLE t-storms yesterday.) And, people were driving too fast and it was making what's her face (the spouseless female) uptight. He assures me they'll be there in 20 minutes.

It's presently 8:45pm, exactly 1 hour 15 minutes from time of said arrival. Typical, but I know they won't be there til after 9pm. Why? Because he does this often, so much so that the girl-folk have had it with him. I'm not sure about the rest, but I've had enough... next time, we leave before he arrives and do what we wanna do... because, as E pointed out- He knows he can be late because you WAIT for him.

Ya, we're stupid... totally stupid.

At 9:25pm in walks shithead and his women. We're already done with dinner and one of the girls was getting ready to leave b/c she had a headache or something.

By 10pm they have eaten their food while we sit there while I resign to the fact that there'll be NO movie for me tonight.

Dammit... I really wanted to see 'The Notebook,' too... (shithead)

Before shithead and his entourage arrived, one of my friends gallantly pointed out (and I agree with her) that marriage hasn't made him better... in fact, it's only made him worse. And, apparently he's only on-time to things he plans. (Obviously) And, when she invites everyone to her house in PA, only the girls show up... and shithead and his entourage are the FIRST to cancel...

So, I'm not sure where this monthly thing will end up. We started this 4 years ago and from a group fo 15, we're down to a monthly group of 4 girls and occassionally shithead's 4 people (sometimes 6). But again, when he or one of his group plan it, they're ALL there and get mad if we can't go.

I think we need to revamp this monthly thing... I'm probably going to send an email to everyone and let them know that this is getting ridiculous. If they don't want to meet anymore, then let us know and we'll take them off of our email list.

Simple, right?

Yeah, sure it is... for ME... but, for the other girls, simple entails having to apologize to shithead. I refuse because I never tell people that I'm going to dinner if I plan on not showing up. I'm not rude in that manner and I look forward to our dinners... small OR large. (It's my time to get out and relax.)

Oh well... we'll see who responds to my emails... *rubs her chin*

I have compiled a list of shitheads:

  • My neighbor who called the FIRE DEPT. on us a few summers ago because we were utilizing our LEGAL outdoor fireplace [20' from our house].
  • R- who is rising in his shithead status
  • Jackass- who was born to be a shithead- and unfortunately is my older son's biological father
  • Anyone who cuts me off and drives like an idiot at crucial moments when I want to live, see my children grow up to be adults with their own kids, and get a job I can retire from.
  • and

  • My stoic neighbor across the street that lives with that steely eyed glare... and screams at his kids and calls them names in public

  • My stoic neighbor's best friend (the Mayor's husband) who is another antisceptic shithead
  • A former neighbor's boyfriend who did a lil too many "HooRahs" for his own good... for putting lawnmowers up on blocks b/c he couldn't afford cars ON blocks
  • The former neighbor herself- for dating him, having his child, and mysteriously losing all of her body hair and turning into Yoda
  • and

  • The baseball coaches from the Little League (2003) who thought that 'grabbing one's crotch' in public was a way of asserting their manliness
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