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8:37 p.m. - Friday, Jul. 07, 2006
standin' tall
Ok, well, I guess you all deserve the story, right?

Today, I was laying on the couch with #3 son, watching tv (my back has been KILLING me latelY) when I received a phonecall from a catholic school that I was "rejected" from because I didn't have my MA yet.


How circumstances change in the land of Her-Story...

Apparently, the principal didn't like who was chosen for the position and was about to re-enter the advertisement in the newspaper when she remembered *MOI*... and my email... about getting my MA in December... so, when she called, she wanted me to be there TODAY, and I had barely 2 hours to get everything photocopied, dressed, #3 dropped off at my mom's (where E and the other boys were working) and off to the interview.

I was at the interview for 2-1/2 hours... She hired me on the spot, "pending" a callback for a recommendation (to make sure I'm not a wanted murderer). I will be signing my contract next week (and if ANYONE gives me a bad recommendation, I will kill them, fyi) and wha-lah, I will be a teacher... again.
I've emailed EVERYONE on my "recommendation contact list" to let them know to ANSWER their phones... so, hopefully they will.


Today's been such a whirlwind... and I'm afraid to get excited but at the same time I'm excited.

Anyway, I will give more details once my contract is signed. I know, its a Catholic school... but where else can I be the strict disciplinarian that everyone knows without getting flack for it? That's right... I will be the tyrannical teacher of the Catholic school...



I'll only be like sort've tyrannical...

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