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9:55 a.m. - Saturday, Jul. 08, 2006
Today is my first day as a "mostly" employed TEACHER. Damn, that sounds amazing, doesn't it?

I emailed the middle school principal who I worked for last year (with that incredibly troubled kid) and one of my advisors.

I have to say, first and foremost, that I have the MOST amazing references. The M.S. principal has known me since I was a student teacher in his "house." He was my supervisor last year when I took on the instructional position with the "troubled" kid (who was nothing more than a puppy dog with occasionally fleas). He's been really great to me and has been more than willing to give me a wonderful recommendation. ("You deserve this, I wish you all the best.")

Then, I emailed my 2ndary advisor, unsure if he received her email, and he gave me his HOME number for the principal to call him THIS weekend.


Now, granted, if this isn't meant to be... then may the fates NOT monkey with me again. My friend, S, who used to work for a Catholic school (and is currently in his 6th year as a public school teacher) said, "They won't offer you a contract if they're monkeying with you."

I can't help but wonder... because I've been told in the past that whatever school it was wanted to hire me... but I never heard the word "contract," if this is real or not.

Four years of struggling and interviews and tears and frustration all for 2 hours of the EASIEST interview EVER... of "Come in today," "I like you," "I'm going to hire you," and "Almost congratulations!"

A whirlwind doesn't explain it...

So, pardon my inability to jump around while screaming "WOOHOOWHOOHOO" until I get that paper in my hands, signed by the school and myself, that says that I am a faculty member.

(Wow, that was really REALLY a weird thing to say... faculty member.)

And, I guess that means that I need to renew my Catholic membership, eh? Hmm... I hope not. I've become blistfully nonreligious... go figure, my mother's wishes have come true... I WILL have to go to church now (they require the teachers goto chapel at least twice a week before school)... even if its not the church she wants me in.

That's ok... I need the exercise... all that stand-kneel-stand-sit-stand-kneel-bow-stand is good for me. I call it the "Church Aerobic Workout."

I just hope I can remember what I'm supposed to be doing... I haven't been INSIDE a Catholic Church in, uh... a long long LONG time. (I want to say over 20 years) Well, excluding three wedding in the past 10 years.

And, my grandmother's funeral... which was a power struggle between my "Catholic" family members and my mother... which turned into this crazy fracas that resulted in my mother bursting into tears while screaming at my aunt who was held back by my father... and with me standing there refereeing like a fool.

Life lesson #2984: NEVER stand between two utterly irate Italian women in the throngs of a battle. You won't get out unscathed. At all.

Anyway, I said to E last night...

"I have risen in the 'school mascot' ranks from [garbage eating mammal] to a knight. WOOHOO! I've like arrived or something..."

Yes, people, I have arrived. I just hope they're ready for me...

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